All princess fans will love these fun and creative princess party games! With tons of princess games and activities, there’s something for every age and every princess fan! Play one or play them all for fun worthy of a princess!

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Just because I’m a boy mom doesn’t mean that I don’t like to come up with girly ideas every once in a while. I actually love girly stuff, especially when it comes to princesses.
So when I heard ShopDisney was having the Ultimate Princess Celebration, I invited a bunch of little princesses in my neighborhood to come over just to try out some of these princess party ideas!
And of course, I had to plan a bunch of fun princess party games and activities for the big event!
Most of these ideas are inspired by princess qualities like dreaming, bravery, and kindness! Others are just inspired by princess movie plots or things that happens in the movies. Either way, they’re all a ton of fun and will have your princesses never wanting to head back to their castles!
Princess Party Activities
I love combining both party games with activities like crafts and other hands on things to do! Since I have fewer activities to share, I’ll share those first then get to the princess party games!
making Dream Catchers
Have you ever noticed how many of the princesses have dreams and chase their dreams? Cinderella walking with Prince Charming once upon a dream, Rapunzel singing about her dream to see the lanterns. And of course Ariel with her dream to be human and live on land!
I thought it would be fun as an ode to all of the princess dreams to setup a dream catcher station. I grabbed some craft supplies including 6″ embroidery hoops, washi tape, ribbon, beads, and some fun princess themed charms and let the girls make their own!
Some of the littlest princesses needed a little help from mom but overall, I think they turned out pretty great!
Kindness/Coloring Corner
I really wanted to do something to represent how kind princesses are and thought it would be fun to have the girls color and decorate pictures that they could take home and give to people. I know I love it when my boys color a picture for me so thought this would be a fun way to represent kindness.
Pick up a Disney Princess Stationery Kit and let the girls get to work! I wasn’t sure how well it would go over because it was just coloring, but it may have been the favorite activity of our littlest princess! We almost had to drag her to the next activity!
Another idea that would work great would be to decorate cookies and let the girls take home cookies and colored pictures to their friends and family!
Other Princess Party Activities
Any of these things would also make great low-preparation activities to do at any princess party!
- Pretend Play – ShopDisney has a number of these large dollhouses that would be so fun for the girls to play with at a party! Great for a little imagination and downtime!
- Splash Time – invite princesses to bring their swimsuits or a change of clothes on a hot day and let them play in this fun Ariel inspired sprinkler and splash pad!
- Castle Building – grab one of these fun princess LEGO sets and let the girls build their own castles and carriages!
Princess Party Games
Since I do love my party games, let’s go there next. These are fun games that princesses of any can play!
Complete Ariel’s Collection
One of my all-time favorite princesses is Ariel for so many reasons (including she reminds me of my sister who passed away when she was 18 months) but one of the reasons I love her the most is her obsession with collecting things. She even sings about completing her collection.
I grabbed this fun Ariel treasure chest (the little girls were OBSESSED with it) that’s full of large jewels and Little Mermaid themed treasure. With the help of my son (who was very eager to help with this party), we hid the treasure all around the yard.
Once everything was hidden, I gave the treasure chest to the girls along with a picture of everything that was hidden and let them go off on a hunt to find and complete Ariel’s collection.
It was so fun to watch them work together (another great princess skill – teamwork!) to find all of the missing pieces. My son did a good job hiding them all over the yard, and those girls had to really hunt to find them all!
When they did, I traded them the complete collection for a prize – princess bags with dolls inside to keep! I picked out bags and dolls that I thought fit the girls best but ShopDisney has a huge selection of princess bags and princess dolls to choose from!
Stepmother Says
You’ve probably all played Simon Says at some point but this is the princess version! Stepmother Says has one of the girls (or the adults) being the Stepmother who calls out things the princesses have to do, just like CInderella.
When the Stepmother is giving out orders, she has to say “Stepmother Says” before the action – e.g., Stepmother Says sweep the floor. If she doesn’t say Stepmother Says, the girls shouldn’t do it and should continue doing whatever they were doing before.
If they switch and do the new thing, you can either have the girls be out for the rest of the round OR to keep it fun for everyone, just have them do some silly princess themed activity before joining back in such as:
- Singing a line from their favorite princess song
- Twirling around in a circle three times
- Running from one side of the yard to the other
This game is fun because it teaches listening, following instructions, and staying true to who you are even if someone else is doing something they shouldn’t!
Be brave
If there’s one thing I could say about princesses, it’s that they’re brave. I mean there’s even a movie named Brave! This game is a simple one – set up an obstacle course that requires your guests to be brave.
I had the girls climbing up the playground, going across the monkey bars, and going down the slide!
To finish off the adventure they had to shoot targets using this Rapunzel bow and arrow set. It’s a bit tricky for the younger ones to use, but it gave the older girls a great chance to be leaders – another great princess quality!
Magic Carpet Races
Everyone probably remembers the scene where Aladdin asks Jasmine to trust him and step onto the Magic Carpet in Aladdin. This game is inspired by that scene and learning to trust one another.
Split into teams of three princesses each and give each a princess beach towel (these ones would work great). Then designate a starting line on one side of the yard/room and a finish line on the other side.
To play, one of the girls has to sit on the beach towel and the other two girls have to work together to pull them across the yard to the finish line. When they cross the finish line, one of the girls switches out and sits on the towel and the girl who was on the towel becomes a puller.
Save the Princesses
This is one of my personal favorite princess party games and one we actually did with these Frozen games a few years ago!
Freeze a handful of princess figurines (I used this Princess Animator’s Collection play set) in a big block of ice before the party.
During the party, give the girls the frozen block of ice along with some tools to help break the ice and see how long it takes them to get the princesses out!
I love this game because not only is it fun, it also cools the girls down (holding the ice is COLD), and it teaches them hard work and teamwork as they work together to get the princesses out!
Stay True Course
One of the other things princesses can teach us is to stay true to ourselves. Whether it be Moana knowing she was the princess of Motonui or Belle being herself even when the town thought she was a bit odd, princesses are pros at staying true to themselves.
For this fun game, get some string or yarn and wind it back and forth throughout an area – a playground, a forest, a deck, etc. Along the way place letters that spell out a word when seen in the correct order.
Then to play, the princesses have to get from one end of the string to the other end, following the correct path of the string. As they use their hand to stay true to the course of the string, they’ll see the letters that spell out a word. (For younger princesses you could also do images or colors). When they finish the course, they should be able to tell you the word if they stayed on the path and did it in order!
We did this for our superhero Amazing Race (for Spider-Man) and for our girls camp certification Olympics, and it was a hit for both activities!
Follow the Leader
While it may not be as obvious of a princess quality, so many of the princesses show amazing leadership qualities in the movies. Elsa, for instance, has to lead even before she’s really ready!
Pick one girl to be the first leader and let them lead the other girls around the party doing whatever silly things she wants while the other girls follow and mimic her actions. Then switch and have the next girl lead and the others follow.
Keep going until everyone has had a chance to be the leader once! If the girls are having a hard time coming up with things to do as the leader, you can suggest things princesses do in the movies:
- Dance with a pretend prince like Sleeping Beauty
- Paint a mural like Rapunzel
- Clean like Snow White or Cinderella
- Build a snowman like Anna and Elsa
- Hop like a frog like Tiana
- Explore the great wide somewhere like Belle
- Sail on the ocean like Moana
- Practice fighting skills like Mulan
- Sing with all the voices of the mountain like Pocahontas
- Fly on a magic carpet like Jasmine
- Shoot an arrow like Merida
Silly Fairies
Remember the scene in Sleeping Beauty where the fairies all want her to wear a dress in her color and they keep changing it from pink to blue to purple and so on? This game is a fun take on that scene!
Split the girls into three teams and give each of the teams a different color of silly string (blue, purple, and pink would be best). Put a bunch of silly string cans of each color in a pile one one side of the yard.
When you say go, the girls have try to shoot other teams with their silly string. If If someone gets hit, they put down their can of silly string and have to find one from the color of the team that hit them and join that team.
So for instance if a girl on the blue team hits someone on the purple team, the girl on the purple team would put down their can of purple silly string, pick up a blue can, and start playing with the blue team!
Keep playing until one team has gathered all of the girls on their team by hitting them with silly string.
Pretty Pretty Princess
Split into teams. Each team should pick one person to be their princess and everyone else will be a runner!
Fill a bucket with princess accessories like princess sunglasses, princess tiaras, princess shoes, and princess boas!
When you say go, one person from each team has to run across the yard to the bucket and pick out one of the princess items then return to their team and the “princess” has to put it on. Once they’ve successfully put it on, the next player on the team can run and retrieve an item from the bucket to dress their princess.
The first team to successfully dress their princess in 10 different items (e.g., tiara, shoes, necklace are different items but two necklaces would not be) wins.
Princess Minute to Win It Games
If you want to add a little friendly competition to your princess party, you could pick and choose from a handful of these princess inspired minute to win it games to play as well! I typically have each player play each of the games and give princesses points based on how quickly they finish (or if they finish at all).
For example, five points for first place, three points for second place, two points for third place, and one point for finishing within a minute’s time.
These games are more designed based on plot lines from all of the princess movies, but they’re a nice fun way to break other activities up to get the wiggles out!
Let Your Hair Down (Rapunzel)
Give each player a chopstick (or stick) wrapped with yellow yarn. When you say go, players have to try to be the quickest to unwrap the yarn the fastest using just one hand.
Blindfold Build a Snowman (Elsa + Anna)
Give each player a zipped bag with three marshmallows, three chocolate chips, three pretzel sticks, two googly eyes, and a carrot sliver. Blindfold each of the girls and race to see who can open the bag and use the items in the bag to build a snowman (that actually looks like a snowman) first.
The Last Rose Petal (Belle)
Give each girl 2-3 rose colored balloons. When you say go, have the girls hit up their balloons and see who can keep them in the air the longest. I recommend playing this one inside (not outside) so if the balloons hit the ground, they don’t pop!
Free Princess Party Printables
If you want to try some of the activities we did, I created colorful signs for the Kindness Corner, Dream Catcher table, Ariel’s collection, and Princess Training Course (I did a number of the games all together under this umbrella). You can download and print them by clicking the button below!
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