These Easter games are perfect for the entire family! Whether you’re looking for Easter games for adults, teens, or Easter games for adults – we’ve got you covered! There are plenty of funny Easter games for any size of Easter celebration!

The Best Easter Games
I’m lucky to have the majority of my family living near me, which means we host a lot of parties – especially for the holidays. And Easter is one of those times every year!
We’ve been having a huge family Easter celebration for years and every year we try to come up with new Easter activities and Easter games to play!
There is always lots of laughing, lots of fun, and of course – lots of Easter candy!
I’ve also tried these out for church Easter egg hunts, neighborhood Easter celebrations, and more. There are plenty of games to choose from so take what works for your group and leave the rest next year!
I’ve broken this into three different groups – Easter games for groups, printable Easter games, and Easter minute to win it games. If you’re looking specifically for Easter egg hunts, try this Easter egg hunt ideas post instead!
Fun Easter Games for Groups
Since Easter is typically a time for families and friends to get together, I came up with a number of Easter games that would be fun for groups to play together! Play in teams, small groups, or even big groups!
These make great Easter games for adults or kids!
Peeps War
Give two players a small pack of Peeps and a basket of empty Easter eggs. Have each player stand on either ends of a table and setup their Peeps along the edge of the table (within 2 inch of the end of the table).
When you say go, players must roll Easter eggs and try to knock their opponents’ Peeps off the table. The first player to knock off all of their opponents’ eggs wins!
If you have a square table, you could even do this with four players playing at once!
Swing Into Spring
Give a member of each team a small bouquet of fake silk flowers. Another member of the team must toss a plastic Easter egg from a designated “pitching” line, and the first player must try to hit the egg with the flowers (like baseball).
The first player to hit and crack open five plastic eggs with the flowers wins.
Easter Egg 500
This game is played similar to the regular 500 game (instructions in my outdoor games post). Give everyone playing an Easter basket except for one player who will be the first tosser. Give them a bucket full of plastic Easter eggs.
Have the tosser stand on one side of the yard (facing away from the catchers) and the catchers with their baskets stand about ten feet away. When everyone is ready, the tosser should pick an egg, toss it over their head and say a number – 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500.
The catchers have to hold their Easter baskets with just one hand and holding the Easter basket, have to try and catch the eggs that are tossed. If they catch the egg, they win the points associated with the egg. If the egg drops, no one wins the points and the tosser tosses another egg.
First person to get to 500 switches with the tosser.
Egg Hunt Relay
Hide plastic eggs like you would for an Easter egg hunt, making sure there are enough eggs hidden for each player playing.
Line each team up in a straight line. The first player on each team must run to the designated area, find an egg, and return to their team.
The next player must do the same, continuing until every person on the team has found an egg.
The first team to have every player find an egg (or the first team to find a certain number of eggs if team numbers aren’t even) wins!
Or try any of these other creative Easter egg hunt ideas in the form of a relay instead!
Easter Flour Toss
This game is played like a water balloon toss (one of my favorite water games) but with plastic Easter eggs that are filled with flour. Start by filling large Easter eggs with flour – one per team. I also recommend taping over the holes if your eggs have holes in the top and bottom!
Have one player from each team line up in a horizontal line then have their teammate stand facing them in a parallel line. Give each team a large plastic egg half filled with flour.
When you say three, one teammate will toss the egg to the other teammate and their teammate must catch it without breaking it. If they drop the egg or break the egg and get floured, their team is out.
After each toss, the back line of players must take a step back before everyone tosses again.
The last team to break or drop their egg wins. So basically, no flour = winner!
An Egg-xtra Hand
Split into teams of two and give each team a basket full of 10 plastic eggs that are cracked apart (not the ones with attached hinges).
When you say go, teams must work together as pairs to put the eggs back together, colors matching to the same colors.
The catch? Each player can only use one hand to help put together the eggs. First team to finish putting together all of their eggs wins!
Easter Egg Balancing Act
This is another team game! Split into pairs of two and give each pair a big basket of plastic Easter eggs of all shapes and sizes.
One person on each team is going to be the “scarecrow” (for lack of a better term). When you say go, the first teammate has to put their arms out straight (palms down) by their sides and keep them there.
The other teammate has to race to try and balance as many eggs as possible on their teammate. Eggs cannot be put into clothing, pockets, etc. but can be held in the mouth, in between fingers, squeezed between knees, etc.
The team that can balance the most eggs at the end of a minute wins.
A Pair of Eggs
Fill eggs with pairs of prizes – meaning matching prizes in two different eggs. So for instance, you might have Reese’s peanut butter eggs in two eggs, $1 bills in two eggs, and Easter bouncy balls in two eggs. Make sure all of your prize matches are different because you’re going to use them to play a memory/matching game.
Fill 24 eggs (so 12 sets of matching prizes. Once all 24 are filled, lay them out in a 6×4 grid of eggs.
Have one player go first and just like with Easter memory game, pick two eggs and open them up. If the prize inside is a match, they win the prize inside and remove the egg from the grid.
If the eggs don’t match, they put them back where they were and close them back up.
The next person goes and does the same thing. Keep going until all prizes are matched and removed from the board. Everyone keeps the prizes they found and whoever finds the most matches total wins a bonus prize!
Need more egg games?
Check out our Easter egg games post too with tons of different games using plastic Easter eggs! There are a bunch of them not included in this post!
Jelly Bean Juggle
This game went viral on TikTok for good reason! In this game, the goal is to the best first person to get three sets (a set = three of the same color jelly beans), and it’s played a bit like the card game Spoons.
Start by pouring a full bag of jelly beans into a brown paper bag. Then have everyone playing randomly pull four jelly beans from the bag and hide them in their hand (or on a table, covered with their hand).
If anyone happens to pull a set (3 of the same color), they place that in front of them and pull another three jelly beans before the game even starts – just luck of the draw!
To start the actual game, have everyone stand around a table in a circle (or sit in a circle) and when you count to three, everyone passes one of their jelly beans to the person on their left, keeping the jelly beans in their hand hidden but passing the jelly beans openly so everyone can see.
Anyone who can make a jelly bean set with the jelly bean they were passed puts the set out in front of them and takes more jelly beans (blindly) from the bag.
Once all sets are complete for the round, count to three and pass again. Do the same thing with sets.
Keep going, passing jelly beans, and making sets until one person has completed three sets and wins the game!
Egg Roll
This isn’t your traditional egg roll although that always makes a great Easter game too! Instead, hide eggs out in the open just like you would with a normal Easter egg hunt for kids.
Give everyone some sort of kitchen utensil like a serving spoon, spatula, or wooden spoon. Have everyone go stand somewhere along a line or a wall – this will be their spot.
When you say go, everyone has to run around the yard (or area) and use their kitchen utensil to roll eggs back to their chosen spot. They actually have to roll them, not fling them, or else it’s not nearly as fun. We made a rule that if the egg breaks (because you flung it or rolled it too hard), you have to close it back up and take it back to where you flung it from.
The person who rolls the most eggs back to their space by the time all of the eggs are gone wins! This was one of the most fun Easter games we played because it’s SO easy to setup, anyone can really play, and it’s hilarious.
Eggs Around the Room
There are three versions of this fun game – all start the same way – with a certain number of Easter eggs hid in various rooms in your house or different areas of the place people will be searching for eggs!
Then you have three different ways to play:
- Everyone picks a room, goes to their room and finds an egg, comes back and gets another room. Keep playing until all the eggs are found!
- Everyone starts in one room and progressively moves on to the next room once they’ve found an egg – a race to be the first one to finish all the rooms!
- Egg hunt meets musical chairs where everyone hunts but not everyone finds an egg! Whoever does moves onto the next round!
Get all of the details for these three fun indoor Easter egg hunt ideas that work great as Easter games!
Scrambled Eggs
This is another fun Easter game that includes three different versions – two are Easter games for adults or teens and one is better for kids!
The general idea is that you hide letters in eggs and then players have to find those eggs to win a prize but there are three different versions based on the skill and competition you’re going for!
- Finding letters you have to unscramble to win a prize
- Racing to find all of the letters in the name a prize first
- A risk and reward version where you place letters but only the last letter placed wins!
Get all the rules and instructions for this scrambled egg hunt that’s really a gqme but it includes finding eggs, so I call it an egg hunt!
Egg Toss Game
I apparently like games with three different versions – it’s probably because we play a lot of Easter games for adults and ones for teens and little kids. Anyway, this fun game includes tossing eggs but in a different way than you’ve ever done before!
The general idea of this game is that eggs are tossed (or rained down), people catch them, and they win the prizes inside! There are three different variations that are generally:
- Easiest – a bunch of eggs get tossed out from a towel and kids catch or grab whatever they can from the ground and only certain ones have prizes inside.
- Medium level – a bunch of eggs with prizes get bounced around on a sheet and players have to grab what they can to win prizes.
- Next level (but still fun) – eggs get tossed out from a towel and players have to try to catch what they can. Only eggs caught in the air win them prizes!
We played all three versions of this egg toss game this year and they were so much fun!
Quick Easter Games
These Easter minute to win it games are ones that you can play with individuals, groups, or teams! They’re designed to be minute to win it games – meaning they only take a minute to play. But you can totally just pick and choose them and play as normal games!
For details on how to play minute to win it games in general, make sure to check out this post!
Jack and the Beanstick
Give each player a little cup filled with Jelly beans and a popsicle stick.
When the game starts, players must put the popsicle stick in their mouth and then add Jelly Beans to it until they are balancing six Jelly Beans on the popsicle stick to win. You can either have them complete this in a time limit or whoever does it the fastest.
If this is too difficult for your group, you can have them try to a lower number!
Bunny Bounce
Put a bunch of plastic Easter eggs on a trampoline and split into two teams. Choose one team to start and they have to bounce on the trampoline and try to catch as many eggs as possible within one minute.
Once their minute is up, count the eggs, then put all of the eggs back and let the next team try!
The first team to catch ten eggs or the team to catch the most eggs in a minute wins.
Spring Cleaning
Give each player a bowl full of five different colored Jelly beans such as red, purple, blue, green, and orange, making sure everyone has the same exact number of jelly beans. Place the five cups per player around them in a circle.
Players must sort the cup of jelly beans by picking out one Jelly bean at a time and then placing it in one of the cups, designating that cup for only that color.
First player to sort their jelly beans into the five cups first wins.
Let’s Play Ball
Stack the bottles on top of each other so you have a pyramid with three at the bottom, two in the middle, and one on the top.
Players must stand behind a line and toss baseballs to knock a stack of bottles completely off a surface using just the baseball, like the popular carnival game.
Make things more challenging by blindfolding the player. Just make sure no one else is anywhere near the tossing area. And I recommend giving them a partner to help give them directions.
Spoon Full of Sugar
Fill a bowl completely full of Jelly beans. Set the bowl on a table on one side of the room.
Give each team a spoon and a small cup. Players must transfer Jelly Belly beans from the bowl to the fill their small cup using only the provided spoon, which must be in the player’s mouth anytime it is touching the jelly beans.
Make it more difficult by putting the cups on the other side of the room or table.
Spring Up
Players must keep three spring colored balloons up in the air. If players can keep them up for more than a minute, start adding an extra balloon per 30 seconds until someone gets out.
If it’s too tough, have them try again with two balloons or one balloon. This is one of my favorite minute to win it games for groups!
Spring Fling
Connect the ends of the silk flowers to the ends of actual metal springs (coils), testing to make sure the flowers bounce.
Split into teams and give one teammate a spring flower and the other a small Dixie cup. To play, the teammate with the spring must place a jelly bean in the middle of the spring loaded flower and push the spring down to make the jelly bean spring up.
The first teammate has to get the jelly bean to launch high enough that their teammate can catch it in their cup. The first team to catch five jelly beans wins.
Puddle Jumper
Give each team two water bottles, one completely filled with Jelly beans and the other completely empty.
When you say go, players must transfer all of the Jelly Belly beans from one water bottle to the other. If they drop Jelly Belly beans on the ground, they have to put the ones that dropped back in the bottle they started in and keep going.
First player to transfer all jelly beans wins.
If you want to make it harder, make it a team game and have one player transfer all of their jelly beans to a teammate holding an empty water bottle.
Sweet as Spring
Pick out 3-4 spring Jelly Belly bean recipes from this list such as strawberry shortcake, fruit salad, and berry smoothie. Give each team a bowl full of Jelly Belly beans that includes the necessary Jelly Belly beans for the chosen recipes AND other Jelly Belly beans.
In addition to the bowl of Jelly Belly beans, give each team a recipe card that has just the names of the flavors (not the pictures) for each recipe they have to “make.”
When you say go, teams must put together the correct Jelly Belly bean combinations for the chosen recipes by tasting the Jelly Belly beans in the provided bowl.
First team to make all of the recipes wins.
Spring Fever
Give each team a chilled wash cloth. Have the players stand across from each other, about 10 feet apart – just like in the egg toss above.
One teammate must toss the chilled wash cloth onto the other’s forehead to “cool” their spring fever.
First team to get the chilled wash cloth to stay on their teammate’s forehead (without the teammate’s help), wins.
Printable Easter Games
If you want something simple and straightforward, these printable Easter games might be a perfect fit! Most of these make better Easter games for kids or Easter games for teens but some of them work well as Easter games for adults too!
Easter Bunny Hunt
Print out these fun pictures of an Easter bunny and hide them throughout your event area. Then the Easter bunny hunt is on and the first one(s) to find the matching pictures win prizes. This is an Easter version of my super popular turkey hunt game and always a hit!
Get the printable Easter bunny hunt and instructions.
Easter Bingo
This fun Easter inspired version of the classic game is always a hit with kids! I haven’t heard anyone complain about a good game of Easter bingo! It’s also a great cool down game after some of the more active Easter games included in this post!
Get the regular Easter bingo cards or an Easter candy bingo game to play with your family.
Easter Dice Game
This fun dice game includes dice, Easter candy, and a little bit of luck! It’s a fun way of incorporating Easter candy without eating too much!
Get the Easter dice game instructions.
Easter Memory Game
This simple matching games is perfect for younger kids (or even older kids) who just want something simple like a memory game! Get the Easter memory game cards.
Easter Trivia
This fun Easter trivia game includes questions about all sorts of Easter topics like Easter candy, Easter traditions, and of course – the Easter bunny! If you’re looking for a fun Easter game for adults – this is a good option!
Get the printable Easter trivia questions to play.
Easter Would You Rather
These fun Easter would you rather questions will have kids, teens, and even adults thinking about whether they’d rather have long ears like the Easter bunny or webbed feet like a duck. Hilarious and sometimes though provoking questions make this one of the best Easter games ever!
Get all of the Easter would you rather questions!
carrot Patch
This fun and easy Easter game is great for kids because it’s a combination of matching and luck! And all it takes is picking carrots out of a “carrot patch,” and hoping that one of the carrots has what you’re looking for!
Get the free printable Easter stickers for the game.
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt
Instead of a traditional Easter scavenger hunt, have kids searching for all of the eggs in this fun Easter egg scavenger hunt. Found a pink egg? Check. A patterned egg, check. Keep going until all of the eggs are found!
Get the free printable Easter egg scavenger hunt!
I find You Find Easter Game
In this fun Easter egg hunt for teens (it’s more of a game than a hunt), teens have to work together across two houses to find hidden Easter eggs and clues. When one team finds an egg with a clue, they have to pass it along to the other team to find their next clue.
It’s one of the most fun Easter games I’ve played with teens in the past few years and perfect for a youth group! Get all the details for this fun Easter egg hunt idea for teens! And if you need more clues, I have a ton of Easter egg hunt clues you can use!
Looking for more Easter Games?
More Fun Easter Ideas
If you still need more things to do after all of these Easter games, check out these fun Easter ideas too!
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