These free printable Baymax bingo cards inspired by the Big Hero 6 movie make a great addition to your collection of Big Hero 6 party ideas and Big Hero 6 party games!

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Earlier this week I shared all of the ideas for my Big Hero 6 movie night and mentioned that we’d played Baymax Bingo while watching the movie. All we did to play was gave everyone one of the free printable bingo cards along with a bag full of mini marshmallows. During the movie as Baymax said each of the quotes on the card, guests covered the space with a mini marshmallow and the first person to bingo (five in a row across, up and down, or diagonally) won! Since some of the quotes on the cards are obvious if it’s toward the beginning, middle, or end of the movie, this game works best if the people watching the movie and playing don’t have the film memorized and know when all of the quotes happen. If everyone playing is super familiar with when the quotes will be said, just hand out the cards randomly instead of letting everyone pick their own.
You can print out the cards by clicking on the image or button below. The first link is for a non-editable PDF version of the 10 cards that I’ve already created. PLUS two blank cards that you can fill in on your own by just using the same phrases I used for my cards. I’ve included a list of the phrases below the links for your reference. I recommend downloading the files directly to your computer then printing on white cardstock for best results. All downloads are for personal, non-commercial, use only.
Tadashi is here.
On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?
Crying is a natural response to pain.
I am not fast
I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.
Are you satisfied with your care?
I will scan you now.
I am a robot.
I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.
Does it hurt when I touch it?
You have fallen.
Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.
I have found where your tiny robot wants to go.
Please exercise caution.
Oh no.
Excuse me while I let out some air.
My hands are equipped with defibrillators.
Low battery
We jumped out a window.
I see no evidence of physical injury.
I would like to help.
Your friends have been contacted.
I have some concerns.
I also know karate.
Seat belts save lives.
Your injury requires my attention.
Your body temperature is low.
I am programmed to access everyone’s healthcare needs.
Those who suffer a loss require help and support from loved ones.
I fail to see who flying makes me a better healthcare companion.
The treatment is working.
Your emotional condition has improved.
I have found a match.
And don’t forget to check out all of the fun Big Hero 6 movie night ideas! Everything from a Baymax inspired cupcake cake with upgrades to the easiest ever Fredzilla monster bars!
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