Try out this easy Super Bowl party game at your next Super Bowl Party to entertain kids and adults alike!

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When I told Richie about the game, his first reaction was that he thought it would be too easy because the goal posts are so far away from each other that pinning something in that big of a space wouldn’t be hard. I think the original game is perfect for kids, however, since I’ll have mostly adults playing this instead of kids, I decided to make the game a little tougher by turning it into a “toss the football in the goal posts” instead.
All of the supplies you’ll need to play my version of the game can be found at Dollar Tree:
- light colored masking or electrical tape
- sidewalk chalk
- foam/soft football
- one piece of black poster board
- prizes
For my version of the game, instead of having players pin a paper football between the goal posts, I decided to have players toss a foam football at goal posts taped onto a piece of black poster board. By marking the end of the football with sidewalk chalk before they toss it, we can tell if the football actually made it in the goal post or not because the chalk makes a mark on the black poster board.
I taped three lines five feet, ten feet, and 15 feet away from the wall where players will have to toss the footballs from. Everyone will be given the chance to toss the football five times and can choose which line to stand behind for each toss to try and earn the most points.
The scoring is as follows:
- 5 foot line: 1 point each
- 10 foot line: 2 points each
- 15 foot line: 3 points each
The player with the most points at the end of the game wins a prize. For prizes, I picked up some of my favorite things from the Dollar Tree while I was buying supplies for my game. Since we’ll have full families for our party, I picked up items that would be perfect for men, women, and children. If the game still seems too easy, you can always add the extra element of blindfolding people or spinning them around in a couple of circles before their toss to make it tougher.
This game is perfect for your upcoming Super Bowl party and best of all it’s not only inexpensive (less than $5), it also literally took me less than five minutes to setup so you can spend more time doing other things.
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