These free printable Thanksgiving bingo cards are the most fun Thanksgiving activity for the entire family! And with 20 unique cards (aka different cards), you can play not only with small groups but larger ones as well! Just print out the cards and play!

thanksgiving Bingo
My family has always had the tradition of playing Christmas bingo on Christmas Eve. We play, win prizes, then open new Christmas PJs.
But ever since my son has gotten old enough to realize how much bingo is, he’s been asking us to play bingo way more than just Christmas Eve.
So this year I created these cute printable Thanksgiving bingo cards so everyone can play over the Thanksgiving holiday! Use them to play after Thanksgiving dinner, play during a Thanksgiving celebration at school, or just use them with your own kids to play at home!
This bingo game would be a great option for the entire family along with these Thanksgiving would you rather questions, Thanksgiving charades, or even after coloring Thanksgiving coloring pages!
Or even after a more active round of Thanksgiving games with the whole family! It’s also a great way to cool down after the perfect game of football!
I’ve created 20 free printable cards for you to download at the bottom of this post. If you need more than 20 cards for a large group, you can get more in my shop here!
You don’t need much to play bingo, especially this Thanksgiving bingo. All you’ll need to play this great game are:
- Thanksgiving bingo cards – you can download the printable ones at the bottom of this post. Make sure you have enough cards for everyone who will be playing plus a few extras in case people bring friends!
- Calling sheet – included in the download mentioned above
- Bingo markers – I use these but you could totally use Thanksgiving colored candies, bingo stampers, or really anything small that fits on the cards. Candy corn is always a really fun choice but make sure to provide enough people can sneak a few to eat!
- Prizes – again, this is totally up to you what to give out as prizes, but I’ve got an entire list of fun ideas below in this post for whoever wins the game of bingo!
Use them again and again!
If you want to use these Thanksgiving bingo boards over and over again, print them on white cardstock and laminate. Then you can just have people mark off the spaces with dry erase markers to play instead of having to provide bingo chips to cover the spaces.
How to Play Thanksgiving Bingo
I’m going to walk you through the typical way to play bingo with these cards and then provide a few alternative options if you want to get more creative than just a traditional game of Thanksgiving bingo.
How to Prep the Bingo Game
Before you play, you’ll need to print and cut out the printable bingo cards and the calling markers. This goes for any of the versions I’ve explained below.
Print out one card per player plus two copies of the calling card – one will be cut out to use for the images you pull and one will be to keep track of what’s been pulled.
Put the calling markers in a bag, bowl, or bucket of some sort to pick from.
How to Play Classic Bingo
If you want to play the traditional bingo game, first give everyone a bingo card and bingo markers. Or you can let people choose their own.
Once everyone has chosen a card, choose someone to be the caller (or you do it). The caller picks an image out of the bowl/bag/bucket and shows it to the group.
Anyone who has it covers that space on their card with a marker. Keep calling images one by one until someone has covered five in a row – diagonal, horizontal, or vertical. The free space is just that – freebie for anyone to use in any of their bingos.
When someone gets five in a row, they call bingo and win. This is the classic game of bingo and the one everyone probably knows.
You can then either keep pulling images and let more people bingo in that game (if you have lots of prizes like we normally do for Christmas movie bingo) OR have people clear their cards and start again.
Alternate Bingo Games
One of my favorite parts of my family’s bingo night is changing up what is a “bingo” each game. We use the same cards but instead of having to get five in a row every game, we make “bingo” a different goal.
These are just a few of the different things we’ve used in the past to get a bingo. It’s a fun way to mix things up so it’s not always just the first person to get a bingo that wins!
- Four corners – cover all four corners on your card. This is a great way to make games go a little longer if you only have a few prizes!
- Postage stamp – cover any four spaces together in a square (postage stamp) on your card. This simple game is great for a quicker game!
- X – cover all the spaces going both ways diagonally to make an X
- T – cover the top row and the middle row to make a T
- Cross/Plus – cover the middle horizontal row and the middle vertical row to make a plus sign
- Friendly Free – mark off all of the spaces touching the free space
- Biggest Loser – we do one of the above PLUS whoever is the last person to get a marker on the board gets the first prize. This is one of the most fun ways to mix up any bingo game!
- Bring a Friend – whoever bingos gets to choose a friend to bingo with them a choose a prize (this works best if you have lots of people/prizes)
- Play until – If someone hasn’t won yet, play until that person bingos. This one is especially good if you have young kids who haven’t gotten a bingo and everyone else has!
Thanksgiving Bingo Prize Ideas
Bingo isn’t bingo without prizes.
Since this is a Thanksgiving bingo game, I’ve come up with some fun Thanksgiving related options below that would make great prizes! I’ve included both small options and larger ones as well depending on how much budget you have for prizes.
- Turkey candy
- Thanksgiving i-Spy book
- Thanksgiving treat bags filled with treats
- Turkey socks
- Give Thanks Gift Card
- Turkey jerky (or other snacks)
- Chocolate turkey treats
Tips & Tricks
Laminate the cards so that you can use them every year. Just store them with a rubber band around them or in a plastic bag and pull them out again any time you want to play bingo.
Use reward type prizes if you’re playing with just your family. Let kids win things like stay up late, double desserts, a date with mom, etc. It’s less expensive and you’ll be surprised how excited kids are about those prizes!
Switch callers every game. Let people take turns calling the images – providing help to little kids who want to do it. Changing the bingo caller keeps more people interested for longer and is a great thing, especially if the person hosting wants to play!
Game FAQs
Do you have any more game cards?
Yes, if you need more bingo cards you can buy a set of 32 or a set of 40 in my shop here.
How do you make bingo fun?
Switch things up each game! Instead of doing just regular bingo, try out different variations and let the caller choose the game. There are a number of variations above to choose from to get you started.
What is the free spot in bingo?
The middle spot that says free spot is the free spot in bingo. This spot does not need to be covered (though it can if you choose) and counts for any bingo that goes through it.
How do I get the cards?
Fill out the pink form at the bottom of this post to get the set of 20 cards and a calling sheet. If you need more cards or would prefer to not fill out the sheet, you can purchase a set here as well.
Can I use these for blackout?
There are 30 unique images used across the bingo cards, not 75 like traditional bingo. So yes, you can technically use them for blackout because not everyone has the exact same images on their cards BUT many people likely will, so it’s not ideal for blackout. If I was you, I’d just do something else for a final game like four corners, all around the free space, etc.
My file won’t load, what’s wrong?
Often times a free download is a large file and it will open, but it might take a little bit of time. Be patient and the file should load just fine. It’s just not immediate because it’s a larger file, especially with a free printable game like bingo that has a lot of cards. If you still can’t get it to load, email me.
More Thanksgiving Games
Start with this free printable Thanksgiving bingo game then move onto one of these other fun family games!
- Thanksgiving Family Feud – tons of fun questions to challenge your family to this classic game show!
- Thanksgiving pictionary – families will have so much fun drawing and trying to guess Thanksgiving items in this fun game!
- Thanksgiving scavenger hunt – this fun Thanksgiving game is always a fun one for kids!
- Skittles gratitude game – skip just asking what people are grateful for this holiday season and try this game instead!
- Thanksgiving trivia – tons of great Thanksgiving trivia questions including ones for kids, older kids, and adults!
want more Thanksgiving Games?
Download the Printable Game Cards
Enter your first name and email address in the form below to get the printable PDF. You will receive a link to download the free printables sent to your email within minutes.
If you would rather not fill out the form or you need more than 20 cards, you can also purchase a set of bingo cards in my shop here.
The PDF will include:
- 20 unique Thanksgiving bingo cards
- Instructions
- Calling sheet (print the calling cards twice – cut out the images from one and use one as your marking sheet)
If you do not immediately receive the email, make sure to check your promotions, spam, and junk folders!
If you do not see the form below, click here to get to it.
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