This fun Valentine’s Day trivia game will become a new family favorite for all ages! Answer true or false trivia questions, cover spaces on your printable game card, and try to be the first to completely fill your heart!

With this Christmas kisses trivia game being one of my most popular Christmas games, I thought it’d be fun to do a version for Valentine’s Day since it uses, well kisses!
There’s a reason the Christmas version has been so popular over the years – it uses true or false Valentine’s trivia questions so it’s much easier to universally play, whether you really know trivia or not!
Plus, we came up with almost 200 different trivia questions spanning everything from romantic comedies to love songs to actual Valentine’s Day history and even ones about famous couples! That means there’s something for pretty much everyone from kids to teens and definitely the adults!
It’s super easy to play and the perfect way to switch things up from the traditional Valentine’s Day bingo or Valentine’s Day family feud!
The basic idea is that you have to answer questions and for each true or false question you get correct, you put a heart on your board. First one to fill up their heart wins!
It’s a little more complicated than that, but that’s the gist of it and why everyone will LOVE this game!
You don’t need a lot to play this game, which is why it should work for pretty much any group. All you’ll need is:
- Printable Valentine’s Heart kisses boards – download at the end of the post, there are two to a sheet and you’ll need one per person. You can also get them in shop here.
- True or false Valentine’s Day trivia questions – the file at the end of this post has 200 of those ready for you!
- True or false cards – included in the file at the bottom of the post, you don’t necessarily need these, they just make it easier
- Something to cover the spaces – the board is made to fit Hershey’s Kisses but you could also do pennies, bingo markers, or even just cross it off with a pen (unless you’re doing the more challenging version, then you need something to cover it with).
how to setup the trivia game
- Print out the trivia questions you want to use and cut them into strips.
The pink trivia pages are meant to be easier and the red ones are supposed to be a little harder. These are obviously subjective but that was the intent.
And note that there are some questions that are more kid-friendly than others so keep that in mind when you’re selecting the questions to use.
They are ALL true or false questions though so you could really use all of them if you really want and it’s always a 50/50 shot. It just depends on how who you are playing with and how quickly you want them to complete the heart page. I personally recommend a mixture of all of them, definitely if you’re playing with teens and adults.
- Place the strips into a Valentine’s Day gift bag or bucket of some sort so you can pull them out without seeing the questions.
- Print out a Valentine’s Day kisses card for everyone playing (the PDF has two to a page).
- Print and cut out true or false cards. You’ll need one true and one false card for each player so print out as many as you need to give each person a set (there are six sets per page).
- Get together 21 Hershey kisses per person playing. The hearts are designed to perfectly fit 21 Hershey’s kisses but also would work with pennies or you can just give people a pen and have them mark them off as they go if you’d rather not play with kisses. It is definitely cheaper but not nearly as fun!
How to play this trivia game
- Give everyone playing a card, a set of kisses (or other covering items), and a set of true and false cards.
- Once everyone has their card and covering materials, pull out the first trivia question randomly from the bag. Here’s a small sample of what the trivia questions look like before cut.
The questions in the PDF file include the answer at the end of the question so that you can easily read the question, give people a few moments to answer, then immediately say the answer. I’ve found this is the easiest way to do it but if you for some reason would like a sheet without the answers with the questions, please email me.
- Give people 5-10 seconds to choose either true or false and place it face down in front of them (or write true/false) on a piece of paper.
- Tell everyone the correct answer. If they get the answer correct, they can cover one of the spaces on their card with a kiss.
- Ask another question and do the exact same thing. Keep going until someone has covered their entire heart. I recommend a mix of difficulty questions so that everyone doesn’t get every question correct or you’ll end up with everyone completing their hearts at once.
If you want to make the game longer and harder, any time that someone gets one correct, they add a kiss to the heart. Any time someone gets a question incorrect, remove one from the heart. You could also just do this for adults (but not the kids) if you’re playing with various ages. This definitely makes the game last longer!
How to win this Valentine’s Day trivia game
The first person to fill in their heart wins some sort of fun Valentine’s Day themed prize! It could even just be a bag of Hershey kisses, but I’d make it something fun!
Or if you don’t want just one winner, you could make it that as soon as they fill up their card, they get a prize and keep going until everyone fills up their card, kind of like bingo.
What Type of Valentine’s Day Trivia Is included
With almost 200 different Valentine’s Day trivia questions included in this trivia game, there is trivia from all sorts of different categories related to Valentine’s Day, love, or romance in some way. Categories represented in the questions include:
- Love stories – musicals, movies, books, plays, and more are all well represented
- Valentine’s Day – things related to the history, culture, traditions, background, etc. of Valentine’s Day
- Famous couples – this could include musicians, politicians, athletes, or anyone else many people would know
- Love songs – anything music related
- Valentine’s Day food & gifts – candy, chocolate, roses, jewelry, etc.
- General love – questions about weddings, dating, anniversaries, romance, and other related things
Tips & tricks
Keep things moving by asking and answering questions quickly. It’s true or false so people should be able to come up with their answer fast. If someone doesn’t answer in the 5-10 seconds you determine for the time limit, they just get skipped for that round.
Read through the questions before you just put them in the bag. There are some questions that while family-friendly are not necessarily kid-friendly such as things being aphrodisiacs and first kisses.
Keep things cheap with paper markers. If you don’t want to do actual Hershey’s kisses, you can also do paper markers. The circles are .75″ each so if you get a 3/4 inch hole punch like this one, you can just punch a bunch of holes in Valentine’s Day colors for people instead. Not as yummy but still doable.
Make it virtual by sending everyone a card to print at home then just ask the questions over a virtual call of some sort. Or leave them a cute bundle on their doorstep with a card and a bag of Hershey’s Kisses.
Keep it fair for everyone if you’re playing with a variety of ages by using Valentine’s Day trivia questions from both difficulty levels. They’re still true or false questions so even the youngest kids have a chance of getting the answers correct whether they’re a little easier or harder!
Game FAQs
How many questions are there in this Valentine’s Day trivia game?
There are just about 200 trivia questions. The pink pages are supposed to be easier and the red pages are designed to be questions that are a bit more challenging.
How many people can play?
The beauty of this game is that everyone can play – literally everyone! The number of people that play doesn’t matter as long as everyone gets their own card. The only caveat is that if you want to have people actually use kisses, it can get a bit pricey if you’re buying kisses for an entire office full of people!
What age can play this game?
If someone can choose true or false to answer a question, they can play this game. It’s great for any age although it really is designed for teens and adults!
Where are the answers to the questions?
The true or false answers are included in the downloadable PDF at the bottom of this post. The true or false answer is included directly after the question.
Do you have the actual answers to the false questions?
Unfortunately there are not actual answers to the false questions. Many of them are made up or people switched or things just changed somehow to make the questions false. They aren’t necessarily false questions that have a specific true answer.
More Fun Valentine’s Day Games
Try one of these fun Valentine’s Day games that goes well with this Valentine’s Day trivia game!
- Valentine’s Day minute to win it games
- Valentine’s Day games
- Galentine’s Day games
- Valentine party games
- Valentine’s Day activities
want more Valentine’s day Activities?
Download the Valentine’s Trivia Game
Enter your first name and email address in the form below to get the printable PDF. You will receive a link to download the PDF to your email within minutes.
If you do not see the form below, click here to get to it.
If you would not fill out the form, you can get a copy in my shop here.
The PDF will include:
- Instructions
- Half-sheet Valentine’s Day heart playing card (2 to a page)
- 200 true or false Valentine’s trivia questions
- True or false cards
If you do not immediately receive the email, make sure to check your promotions, spam, and junk folders!
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