This collection of the best Valentine’s Day games includes everything from Valentine’s Day classroom games to Valentine’s day party games for big groups! Free printable games, Valentine’s Day games for kids, Valentine’s Day games for couples, and pretty much everything you could think of!

Whether you’re hosting a Galentine’s Day celebration, a Valentine’s Day party, planning Valentine’s Day activities for a classroom party, or even just looking for some fun ideas to do at home with your own family – you’ve come to the right place!
This is the best collection of Valentine’s Day games you’ll find, and I should know – I’ve been creating new Valentine’s Day games for people for the past ten years and millions of people play the games over the years!
I’ve broken this post into a couple of different sections to help make it easier to find what you’re looking for depending on if you’re planning a Valentine’s Day party for kids, for the entire family, or even just for adults!
If you need more info about any of these games, just click on the links in each of the descriptions to get full rules and printables for each idea below! I’ve written out brief instructions but everything you need to know is there if you click!
Valentine’s Games for Groups
Planning a Valentine’s Day celebration (either in person or virtual) for an entire class, office, or family! Try out some of these fun Valentine’s Day games for groups for guaranteed laughs!
Love Sucks
These Valentine’s Day party games from Play Party Plan are pretty much the funniest games you’ll find and this love sucks games is one of the best!
Conversation Heart Games
All of these valentine’s day minute to win it games use conversation hearts! They’re great for kids, teens, and adults! Perfect for classroom or at home parties!
Listen to Your Heart
In this hilarious Valentine’s Day game, players have to shake cups full of converesation hearts to see which one has the most! The catch – they’re all doing it at the same time, so they’re racing to see who can find the one with the highest. It’s a simple game that’s so much fun!
Valentine’s Day Family Feud
This Valentine’s Day family feud game would be so fun for either a family Valentine’s Day celebration or even a classroom one for older kids! Ten different Valentine’s Day themed questions like “songs with the word love in them.”
Valentine’s Day Kisses Game
This fun Valentine’s Day trivia game combines true or false trivia questions with a Valentine’s Day slant in a fun group game that anyone can win! It’s just a matter of guessing true or false and being the first one to complete your kissing card!
X’s & O’s Tic Tac Toe
This hilarious Valentine’s Day game will have partners trying to roll matches on a dice to win an epic game of tic tac toe against their competitors! This one would be perfect for a classroom game, a couples party, or a kid’s Valentine’s Day party!
Valentine’s Day Outburst
See how many items on a list of 10 you can guess in this hilarious Valentine’s Day guessing game! Great for kids through adults because it’s just guessing until you get an answer correct! Get the free outburst cards here.
Valentine’s Day Would You Rather
Would you rather kiss a prince or snuggle with a snake? Be serenaded by a Jonas Brother or Ed Sheeran? Fifty hilarious Valentines would you rather questions that are great for any age!
Cupid’s Castle
All you need for this fun valentine game is dice, a Nerf blaster, and some cups! It’s part game of war, part Nerf battle, and so much fun!
Galentine’s Day Games
Hosting a Galentine’s Day party? These Galentine’s Day games are all inspired by chick flicks (like Gone with the Wind shown below) and a great way to enjoy the night with your gal pals!
Valentine’s Day Bingo
Print out these unique Valentine bingo cards from Play Party Plan! Perfect for kids or adults and with 40 unique cards, there are enough for most groups!
Dicey Words
Give players letter dice and see who can be the first to roll the right love letters to figure out the Valentine’s Day themed word! This dice party game is simple to setup and fun to play!
Valentine’s Day Games for Kids
Next up are Valentine’s Day games for kids because they’re the easiest and probably the type of games you need the most since Valentine’s Day classroom parties are huge!
These games would work both for Valentine’s Day classroom parties or even just at home with your own kids. They’re all simple enough that young kids could play them but fun enough that they’d work for older kids as well!
Valentine’s Day Memory Game
This Valentine’s Day memory game from Play Party Plan is a simple, fun, and educational game for kids!
Musical Hearts
Get kids moving to music with this simple musical hearts game from Teach Mama.
Cupid’s Arrow Q-Tip Shoot
This cupid arrow’s Q-tip shoot game is designed for kids but could totally be a game for a Galentine’s Day party too! Let kids pretend to be cupid, or was it Q-pid.
Cupid’s Arrow Toss
This cupid arrow’s toss game from Playground Park Bench is a great way to incorporate practicing numbers and hand eye coordination. Want to use it as a game for adults? Take a step back and blindfold them!
Heart Punch Board
This Heart is Bursting punch board from Balancing Home would be a fun way to give kids treats at a classroom party! I did something similar for Thanksgiving with The Gratitude Game and it was a huge hit!
Heart Hopscotch
This heart hopscotch game from Toddler Approved is another fun way to get kids moving in a creative Valentine’s Day themed way!
Valentine’s Day i Spy
Kids will love this fun Valentine’s Day i spy! See who can find the items the fastest or just let them go at their own pace!
Be Mine Valentine
This Be Mine Valentine game from The Unlikely Homeschool uses a dice and conversation hearts for a fun time!
Printable Valentine’s Day Games
These games are probably the easiest in the bunch; they’re the ones you can just print and go.
Download the file, print the file, and pass it out to whoever is playing. I put together a list that includes printable games for kids but also printable Valentine’s Day games for adults because those tend to be the people I play with the most!
Want a bunch of printable Valentine’s Day games all in one place? Check out this Valentine’s Day game bundle that comes with TWELVE different printable games including 40 unique bingo cards, a scavenger hunt, memory game, and more all in one printable bundle!
Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt
Kids will absolutely love this free printable Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt from Play Party Plan.
Love Song Guessing Game
This printable Love Song game from Play Party Plan has players trying to guess the name of popular romantic songs.
Valentine’s Day Card Game
Love Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity? You’ll love this Valentine’s Day card game that’s a family-friendly Valentine’s Day inspired version similar to the two!
Valentine’s Day Danger Word Game
Try to get your teammate to guess a specific word first without guessing the danger word! Get the full Valentines danger word list here!
Valentine’s Day Trivia
How well do you know your Valentine’s Day trivia? This fun Valentine’s Day trivia game will have you trying to recall the Greek God of love, who sang what love songs, and more!
Romantic Comedy Two Truths and a Lie
This may be the ultimate Galentine’s Day game! See who can figure out which of three statements about popular romantic comedies is the lie! Get the free printable two truths and a lie game here.
Love Story
This love story game is similar to the game above where it’s all about romantic movies and famous chick flicks! See how well you know them in this fun game that’s perfect for Valentine’s Day parties!
Valentine’s Day Word Search
While I guess this Valentine’s Day word search more of an activity than a game (kind of like these Valentine’s Day coloring pages), it doesn’t mean kids won’t still love doing this one!
Roll & Cover
This Valentine’s Day roll and cover dice game from Happiness is Homemade is a fun one for kids or adults!
This printable Valentine’s Day MASH game from Emmy Does Design will take you back to middle school!
Matching Game
All you need for this fun Valentine’s Day Matching game from Creations by Kara are some chocolate kisses and the free printables. It’s similar to this Easter game for kids and super fun!
Heart to Heart
This Heart to Heart printable game from Say Not Sweet Anne is another fun one that could be great for adults!
Valentine’s Day Games You Can Buy
Don’t want to print or plan out your own Valentine’s Day games? Here are some fun options you can just order, open, and play right away!
- Pin the candy in the gumball game
- Valentine’s Day emoji game
- Valentine’s Day bowling
- Pass the heart game
- Valentine’s Day dart game
- Valentine’s Day limbo
- Dirty minds (don’t worry it’s not actually dirty, just your minds are but still probably one that’s for the adults!)
More Fun Valentine’s Day Ideas
Plan out the rest of your Valentine’s Day party with these other great ideas!
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