Next time you head out on a road trip, print out this fun road trip scavenger hunt to keep the kids entertained for hours! With A to Z items you have to find throughout your road trip, time will pass by as kids get caught up in their searching for items outside their window!

A to Z Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
This summer is going to be all about road trip games for our family. For us, other than these road trip must-haves, road trips mean games!
so naturally I made a road trip scavenger hunt. I mean I have a million other scavenger hunt ideas already, why not a road trip one?
This game is inspired by one that I bought on Amazon a few years ago to do with my preschooler.
The problem with that one was that we quickly ripped, lost, or ruined all of the cards.
I highly recommend that you print out these road trip scavenger hunt cards, get them laminated, and put them on one of those binder rings so you can keep them all together! It makes one of the simplest road trip games you can grab and take as you’re running out the door!
I specifically included both words and pictures on these cards so that kids of most ages can play, even if they’re not quite old enough to read.
We actually first played this (and other printable road trip games) on our trip to Sea World San Antonio a few years ago and my then 5-year-old loved it!
How to Do A Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
First things first, you need to print out the scavenger hunt cards.
The free printable in this post has 26 different cards, one for each letter of the alphabet.
To play, one person should randomly pick a card from the pile and announce the item everyone is looking for (whatever is on their card).
The first person to find that item gets to keep the card.
Keep playing until you’ve gone through all of the cards and whoever ends up with the most cards wins.
If you’re playing with younger kids, just see if they as a team cooperatively can find the items and don’t make it a competition.
Download the Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
Enter your first name and email address below to get the free printable. You’ll be immediately taken to the PDF to download and receive a copy to your email shortly after. If you can’t see the form below, click here to get to the form to enter your info.
More Fun Scavenger Hunt Ideas
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