These fun math games for kids are perfect for making math seem more like fun and less like work! Tons of free math games for kids, printable math games, and ones you can make in minutes at home!

I can still remember when we got the email that our school year was ending in March of 2020. Cue breakdown for this working from home mom! Momentarily breakdown at least – then I got it in gear and started figuring out what we’d be doing inside for school instead.
One of my son’s favorite things is math but he gets really bored doing just math facts, flash cards, and workbooks. Luckily math is something that can be incorporated in some many different fun ways from baking to board games to really anything.
Since he loves math so much, I’ve decided to try and incorporate some sort of fun math games or math activities into every single school day. Weekends will be a little different but school days = math time around here!
Fun Math Games for Kids
I rounded up 30 different fun math games that are perfect for elementary school aged kids! I’ve included descriptions of the games as they’re written below but most of these games could easily be changed up to make them easier or harder depending on your kid’s math level!
1 – Rolling Math
See who can roll their way to victory in these fun printable math dice games that work on addition and subtraction! Fun enough for the entire family to play and compete together!
2 – Math Baseball
When you can’t play actual baseball, math baseball is a great alternative! This fun game has kids adding dice to try and get their team around the bases. Get all the instructions here.
3 – Make Math Problems Game
In this simple math dice game, all you need are some wood blocks to keep your kids entertained while still doing math! Get all the instructions here.
4 – Math Bingo Game
Make division fun with this free printable division bingo game! Kids have to figure out the answers to math problems to cover the spaces on their board!
5 – Math Fortune Tellers
Add a little fun to math with these free printable paper math fortune tellers! Just like with a fortune, you never what math problem you’re going to get!
6 – Parking Lot Cars Game
Have cars and a little bit of felt at home? This parking lot cars game is perfect for learning math while playing cars!
7 – Popsicle Stick Counting
Have popsicle sticks at home? This popsicle stick counting game is great for learning to count by 5s or you could do it by 10s or really any number!
8 – Subtraction Smash
This play dough subtraction game combines playing play doh with subtraction facts! Kids have to smash play dough balls to subtract them and get an answer. Get all the instructions here!
9 – Math Hopscotch
This fun math hop scotch game has kids hopping, jumping, and skipping through a hand drawn hopscotch board filled with numbers!
10 – Nerf Gun Math
When you’re stuck at home, there’s nothing better than a Nerf gun fight – until someone gets hurt! Channel that same energy into this fun Nerf target math game where kids have to shoot the target with the right answer!
11 – Jelly Bean Jumbles
In this fun jelly bean math game, kids have to take orders from a menu, get the right combinations of jelly beans, and help their customers! It’s great for multiple kids playing together or parents playing with kids.
12 – Domino Addition
Turn dominoes into a math game with these simple instructions! Or play regular dominoes and let kids add up scores at the end for math fun!
13 – Make 10
Have a deck of playing cards? Play this make 10 card game with kids to practice using multiple numbers to reach ten! Then get outside with the same deck of cards and try this wacky walk movement idea!
14 – Whack it Place Value Game
Have younger kids that are still learning where the numbers go – hundreds, tens, and ones? This whack it place value game is perfect for practicing their place values!
15 – Math Twister
Have a game of Twister at home? Add post-it notes with numbers then call out math problems instead of colors in this fun Twister math game!
16 – Lego Fraction Game
There’s not a more fun way to practice fractions than with this Lego fraction game. Kids get to play with Legos and get a good visual for fractions!
17 – Math Facts Garden
This math facts garden game only needs a little sidewalk chalk and index cards! It’s written to play with multiplication for older kids but you could totally revise the instructions and play with addition or subtraction as well!
18 – Strike It Out
This strike it out mental math game is perfect for two kids playing together at once or a parent + kid playing! Players have to compete to try and complete math facts while trying to strike out numbers to block their opponents!
19 – Egg Carton Shake Up
Have an empty egg carton? Add some numbers and little markers and you have everything you need for this egg carton shake up game! It’s super fun and a great way to recycle old egg cartons!
20 – Count Your Dots Game
In this fun multiplication card game, you use playing cards + a piece of paper to score points and do multiplication facts. Get all the instructions here!
21 – Roll, Climb, and Slide
In this math version of chutes and ladders, kids have to add up numbers to see where they’ll end up on the board! Get the free printable game board here.
Classic Math Games
One of my favorite ways to work on math with my son is by playing board games. Many of these board games for kids work well with teaching math through counting up points, being the banker and exchanging money, or even just adding the numbers on the dice.
Here are some others that are designed specifically to work well for math! Many of these 1st grade learning games would work great too!
- Connect 4 fraction game
- Money game
- Number sequence game
- Math memory
- Head full of numbers game
- Pizza fraction game
- Dino tracks math game
- Ocean raiders game
- Payday
- Wooden magnetic fishing game
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