This is the very best Christmas saran wrap ball game ever! It’s the ultimate Christmas party game and great for all ages! There’s nothing more fun than unwrapping saran wrap game prizes as you hope that no one else rolls doubles and you get to unwrap the entire thing! Plus, add in printable coal cards for an added layer of fun!

An Easy Saran Wrap Ball Game
Every once in a while I play a game at a party that I know I want to change up and recreate for my own family.
This spring we played a saran wrap ball game at my nephew’s birthday party that was basically just going around a circle, each person unwrapping one layer of saran wrap, and keeping whatever prizes were inside.
The kids loved it, even my kiddo who was the first one to get an empty layer. It was a fun idea, but I thought we could make it even more fun. Make it one of the most fun Christmas activities ever!
I brainstormed a few ideas then finally came up with a version of the game that even my brother and sister-in-law (who hosted that party) said was way more fun! And my entire family agreed!
So here you go – the best saran wrap ball game ever. Well, I haven’t played all of them – but I think this was is pretty darn fun. It’s definitely of my new favorite Christmas party games and honestly one of the most fun Christmas games I’ve played!
While I made this game specifically to be a saran wrap Christmas game, you could totally use one of these variations as birthday party games or even baby shower games (toss in some baby items!)
Saran Wrap Ball Christmas Game (with Coal Cards)
The basic idea of the game is that you wrap up a bunch of gifts and prizes in a huge saran wrap ball and then people take roll dice to win turns to unwrap it – anything they unwrap they keep. The game ends when you get to the center of the ball!
What Makes This Game Different?
The basic ideas of most saran wrap games are the same, but this one is different with the addition of what I like to call coal cards (if you’re doing a Christmas ball game) or challenge cards if you’re doing this for another occasion.
Coal (or challenge) cards are challenges that make it just a bit tougher to unwrap the saran wrap ball – things like unwrapping the ball behind your back, naming four of Santa’s reindeer before you keep unwrapping, etc.
Even if you’ve done a normal plastic wrap ball game in the past before, I highly recommend you try adding in the coal cards! It really amps up the game, makes it more interactive, and just funnier in general! If you don’t love the cards, you can always go back to your normal saran wrap ball game next time! But I’ve never played this where it wasn’t a huge hit with everyone involved!
You can get both sets of cards along with the other ones in the PDF at the bottom of this post!
Saran Wrap Ball Game Video
Watch below to see how to play and how fun it is! Then read through all of the instructions for more details on our new favorite saran wrap game!
Saran Wrap Game Materials
You’ll just need a few things for this Christmas saran wrap game. Same things if you’re playing it for a birthday or other occasion.
- Saran wrap – I highly recommend getting the good stuff from Costco not only because it’s super long but because it’s super sticky
- Small prizes – I’ve included a full list below of what to put in a saran wrap ball but you’ll generally need gifts, prizes, candy, etc.
- Coal Cards/Challenge Cards – get the free printable PDF of cards at the bottom of this post – print and cut these before you start wrapping
- A pair of dice – you’ll need two dice and I recommend getting a box (the boxes of any of these board games for adults works well) to send the dice around in
- Scissors – you really only need these if the thing on your saran wrap package isn’t working to cut the saran wrap
If you you would prefer to not use saran wrap, I’ve also had people say that they have done something similar with fabric scraps as well or even layers of wrapping paper (kind of like my pass the present game). If you don’t want to use and waste the plastic wrap, this might be a good option for you.
How to Make Your Saran Wrap Ball
Okay, you’ve heard me talk all about this saran wrap ball so far but I’m sure you’re asking – how do I make a saran wrap ball? How does this all work?
Luckily I’ve got answers for you after doing it myself!
1 – Make your ball
Start your ball by placing a small round gift (EOS lip balm, a bouncy ball, a pair of Christmas socks or fuzzy socks rolled up) on top of a piece of your saran wrap. Since it’s the beginning, I also like to wrap some cash around it (to make the final person the lucky winner who gets one of the best prizes).
Wrap the saran wrap around it to make a ball. Add another layer or two if you want, or just rip it off there.
2 – Add prizes and other gifts to your ball
Once you’ve added a layer or two of saran wrap, add a small prize onto the ball and wrap around it. Keep going adding random prizes or if you want, gag gifts, every few layers of saran wrap.
While it may seem counterintuitive to put big things in the ball like full candy bars, games, or even in our case Pokemon cards – that’s the way you add bulk to the ball. If you just put coins and small chocolates in there, your ball really wouldn’t get much bigger!
Just add things on and continue to wrap layer upon layer of saran wrap and gifts around them. I personally prefer to rip the saran wrap every few layers instead of wrapping it all into one layer – I think it makes it harder to unwrap – but you can totally just keep wrapping if you want.
Make sure to constantly rotate the direction of the ball to give it more of that ball shape rather than just a flat rectangle shape. If you do the layers of plastic wrap in the same direction, you’ll end up with something like a pancake than a cling wrap ball.
3 – Add in coal cards
Instead of adding in just prizes, add in a coal or challenge card every few layers as well. I like to put them face down so that people can’t see what the challenge is but it really doesn’t matter that much.
Add a coal card, add a layer or two of saran wrap, add some prizes, and just keep going. You could be strategic with the coal cards and place say the end your turn one toward the inside of the ball, but that’s a lot of effort.
I just like to pull them randomly from the pile and put them in – no order required. If you don’t want a Christmas theme to your ball, I also have generic challenge cards at the bottom of this post!
4 – Finish off your saran wrap ball
Once you’ve run out of coal cards and prizes, add a few more layers for good measure and set it aside for whenever you’re ready to play!
How to Play the Saran Wrap Game
There are a lot of variations on the saran wrap game out there, but this is how to play this particular version.
And like I mentioned before, I personally think this one is a blast!
1 – Have everyone sit in a circle
It needs to be a circle or at least a closed shape of some sort so you can pass the dice around. And make sure people are close enough together that it’s easy to pass the dice box and the ball.
You’re likely playing this at a family gathering, so gather!
2 – Give someone the dice to start
When you say go, choose the first player and have them roll the dice. It really doesn’t matter who starts but if you need a way to choose, go with the youngest person in the circle.
Here’s how the dice part works.
If the dice roller rolls:
- Doubles – you get to unroll the saran wrap ball until someone else gets doubles.
- 7 or 11 – the direction of the dice gets reversed (so you never know where the dice are going to go) so it’s going a different direction.
- Anything else – pass the ball to the next person clockwise so basically the person on the left rolls next!
3 – Unwrap the ball
If someone gets doubles, they get to start unwrapping layers from the saran wrap ball. They keep unwrapping until someone else gets doubles and takes the ball from them.
As they’re unwrapping, if they find prizes they get to keep those until the giant ball of plastic wrap is unwrapped!
4 – Complete a Printable coal card
If they come across a coal card, they have to stop and read the coal card out loud then do what it says. If you need some ideas, I have tons of great ideas for the coal cards at the bottom of this post.
- If it’s an action (e.g., unwrap with the ball behind your back), they continue unwrapping just doing whatever the card said.
- If it’s a question or something they have to list (e.g., Santa’s reindeer), they must answer the question before they can continue to unwrap.
- If it’s a do this immediately (end your turn, skip your next turn), they do whatever the card says immediately.
If someone gets a coal card, their turn is not immediately over. They can keep continue their turn as soon as they’ve read the coal card out loud.
how does the saran wrap game end?
Keep going – roll the dice and unwrap the ball until someone gets to the very end. Once the ball is done, everyone keeps the gifts they unwrapped. If someone doesn’t like something, they’re welcome to trade with someone else.
I also recommend having a few items held behind just in case someone doesn’t get anything. It could be as small as a piece of candy or a quarter, but I’m sure those people, especially kids, would appreciate going home with something.
Alternate Option
I’ve had quite a few people say that they wear oven mitts while playing the game to make it more difficult to unwrap the saran wrap ball. That’s definitely something you can try if you want to do that along with the coal cards but oven mitts would make it almost impossible to unwrap the ball with certain coal cards (e.g., unwrap behind your back). It’s up to you and definitely an option worth trying!
Additional Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules
Just a few other things to keep in mind while you play:
- Coal cards have to be completed fully before someone starts to unwrap again if it’s something like name four reindeer.
- If someone rolls doubles while you’re completing a coal card, the ball gets passed to the person who rolled doubles and the coal card is considered complete.
- Players should take off a layer of saran wrap at a time, not digging into the ball through the side trying to rip holes in the ball to get to items.
- If something gets unwrapped or falls out of the ball while you’re unwrapping, it’s yours to keep!
- Everyone keeps rolling the dice while the person completes their coal card, there’s no stopping needed.
What to Put in a Saran Wrap Ball
The question I get asked most often is what do you put in the saran wrap ball game? Honestly, the prize ideas could be anything from chocolates to scratch off lottery tickets.
I’ve included a list of my favorite saran wrap game prizes – just be aware that it can be expensive. I recommend buying things on sale throughout the year, checking out the Dollar store, or having family members chip in. Maybe even play this game instead of one of these gift exchange games and just have everyone chip in $5 if you’re worried about cost.
And obviously make sure to keep in mind who you’ll be playing with. If you’re playing with a group that’s mostly kids, I’d probably skip the home decor and if you’re playing with all adults, probably skip the stuffed animals and party favors.
Okay, my favorite Christmas saran game gift ideas include:
- Gift cards – get ones that are universal and make sense for small amounts like Target, Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, Sonic, etc.
- Cash – dollar bills and quarters work well and I like to put a $5 or $10 as the final gift, kind of like a Christmas bingo winner. You could also do dollar coins or something similar.
- Lotto tickets – even though half the time they end up being nothing, my family goes after lotto tickets the entire time they’re in a gift exchange game so guessing these would be a hit!
- Socks, gloves, ties, or other small clothing item
- Beauty products or brushes or something universal like chapstick
- Tissues or hand sanitizer
- Lotions, body wash, etc
- Headbands, hair things
- Jewelry
- Small toys/party favors – these Christmas toys would be great
- Stuffed animals
- Cards – Pokemon, basketball, baseball, etc.
- Candy – you can do full-size candies as well as smaller fun-size candy, packs of gum or mints are also great
- Movie tickets – or other gift certificates
- Home decor – kitchen towels and other soft things work well
- Stickers, activity books, and even temporary tattoos if you’re doing this with kids
- Small LEGO sets
- Books – small ones that come in sets like these
- White elephant gifts like these
- Sports items – bouncy balls, squishy footballs, golf balls, golf tees, and more
- Games – typically smaller card games like Uno or Five Crowns that come in boxes and fit into the ball
- Coloring or activity books
- Face masks, scrubs, and loofas
- Gourmet food items – jerky, popcorn, bars, etc
- Kitchen items – kitchen tools, reusable silicone bags, measuring cups, spatulas
- Anything else you have laying around the house
Saran Wrap Ball Game FAQs
What do you put in the saran wrap ball game?
See the list above – there are over 25 different ideas of saran wrap ball game prizes!
How long does the saran wrap ball game last?
Honestly I can’t really answer this one because it’s dependent on a number of things:
How many layers are in your ball?
How quickly do people roll doubles?
How quickly do people unwrap?
I can tell you however that to go through our entire ball that had about 50 layers it took just over seventeen minutes. The coal cards do add a very slight amount of time to the game. I recommend planning for 30 minutes.
How do you make a Saran wrap ball for Christmas?
See the instructions above. It’s actually a lot easier than you’d think – saran wrap is funny that way!
How much does the saran wrap ball game cost?
This is similar to how long does it take – it totally depends. You’ll be paying for probably a box of saran wrap plus whatever gifts you want to put in the ball.
If you’re on a budget, go with fun-size candy bars, quarters, and small toys. If you have a little more money or are doing this gifts for family, you could go with bigger items like gift cards, socks, full-size candy, and other larger items.
Can I play this when it’s not Christmas?
Of course! In fact, I added in challenge cards (not holiday themed) that come with the downloadable PDF you can use all year long! The challenges aren’t holiday themed.
Is there a way to play this that doesn’t use saran wrap?
I’ve seen suggestions to use fabric scraps, socks, t-shirts, and any other fabric that will get unwrapped but not thrown away (like saran wrap).
More Christmas Party Games
If you’re looking for a new family Christmas game to try this year, these are the best Christmas games out we’ve ever tried!
- 12 fun gift exchange ideas – fun gift exchange games for people of all ages from kids to adults!
- 12 days of Christmas games – these games always bring out lots of laughs for everyone involved!
- Christmas charades – a Christmas version of the classic!
- Christmas emoji game – if you want something a little less active, this printable game is a great option!
- Christmas scavenger hunt – a treasure hunt (like you’d do at birthday parties) that ends with a big prize!
- Christmas never have I ever game – if you need a fun party game that’s also an ice breaker, this one’s great!
- Christmas family feud game – Family Feud is always a big hit no matter who you play with!
- 25 hilarious Christmas games – fun game ideas for the entire holiday season!
- Christmas movie bingo – the perfect game for any holiday occasion!
want more fun Christmas Games?
Download the Printable Coal Cards
These coal cards are what really makes this game fun! It’s fun anyway but the coal cards really elevate the level of fun! And if you don’t want a Christmas coal version, there are universally themed challenge cards too!
Enter your first name and email address in the form below to get the PDF. I made the coal cards kind of big because when we used the smaller ones (seen in the photos), they got lost when people were unwrapping last year.
Now they are about twice the size of the original ones and don’t get lost when you unwrap them!
Simply print, cut, and play! They’re designed to be printed two-sided with the piece of coal (that my awesome husband drew!) on one side and the challenges on the other.
Don’t want to print them double-sided, simply print out the challenge cards instead.
The PDF will include:
- Back of coal cards (green)
- Four pages of coal cards
- Back of challenge cards (blue)
- Four pages of challenge cards (different challenges than the coal ones)
If you don’t see the form below, click here to get to it.
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