Mix up the traditional egg toss by trying out one of these fun egg toss game ideas instead! There are five to choose from and they’re all way more fun than a traditional just toss the egg to your partner game!

Easter Egg Toss Games
One of the most traditional Easter activities is a good old fashioned Easter egg toss. You’ve probably done it for Easter or for field days and honestly might be reading this post right now to find out how the classic Easter egg toss game works.
Or maybe you’re looking for some fun Easter games to do before your Easter egg hunt.
If you’re looking for instructions on a classic Easter egg toss, scroll to the bottom of the post because I’ve outlined it there. But if you want to upgrade your egg toss this year, I’ve come up with five different variations on the idea of an egg toss that you should try this year instead.
We did these with my siblings, their kids (from ages 4 and up), and even my parents. And I’m here to tell you that they were a blast for all ages – not just the littles and not just the adults.
Hilarious Flour Egg Toss
The first idea is just a spin on the classic but a hilarious one.
Instead of using actual eggs, fill plastic eggs with flour or powdered sugar – one per team of two that will be playing.
Then setup the game the same way as the classic egg toss – partners lined up across from each other with all the partner A’s in one line and all of the partner B’s in one line.
Give one partner on each team one of the eggs and get ready to toss.
When you say toss, everyone has to toss the egg to their partner. If they drop it OR if it opens when they try to catch it, they’re out (and likely covered in flour). If they catch it, they take a step back and move onto the next round.
Keep going until only one team remains and they win some fun Easter prize. You can choose something from this list of Easter egg fillers for teens (or adults) or just pick something out on your own.
Prize Winning Egg Toss Game Ideas
The next four games all have people winning prizes (or whatever) for catching eggs during the egg toss games. Since the eggs will be tossed, I like to add paper prizes to the eggs rather than heavier things that will likely break open the eggs when caught (or dropped).
Pick out prizes that you want to use for the game. These can be small items like a Reese’s peanut butter egg or bigger items like in our case we did $20 in one egg.
Pick prizes that you can afford within your budget and prizes that work for the age group that will be playing.
Once you’ve picked out prizes, type all of those prizes up, print them out, and cut out each prize so you have a big pile full of paper slips with prizes on them. It’s important to just print them on paper instead of using the actual prizes because you don’t want the eggs to break open (from the weight of the prize) when they hit the ground.
Once your prizes are cut out, fill plastic eggs with the prizes based on the game version you’re playing. If you’re playing the first or third version, fill all of the eggs with some sort of prize. If you’re playing the second version, just fill a handful of eggs with prizes and set those aside from a bunch of other unfilled plastic eggs.
Towel Egg Toss Game
This version of the game is the most difficult to win prizes (but still totally doable) so I recommend making the prizes a little more substantial than just a piece of candy.
In addition to the eggs, you’ll also need at least one beach towel – more if you have a large group and lots of eggs.
Game play is simple. Have two adults (the kids struggled with this) hold either end of a beach towel and place all of the eggs in the center of the beach towel. Ideally do this with two sets of adults, standing next to each other so you have two beach towels full of eggs to toss.
Then have a small subset of the kids or people playing (we did four at a time) stand facing the beach towel holders. When you say go, the beach towel holders use the beach towel to toss the eggs in the air toward the catchers.
The catchers have to try to catch as many eggs as they can in the air (before they hit the ground). They can use their hands, their clothes, or if you want – you could even give them an Easter basket to use, although we haven’t tried this and it could get a bit dangerous if people hit each other.
If they catch an egg, they win the prize inside. Any eggs that aren’t caught get put back into the towels for the next round. Switch out the catchers if you have a larger group so you have a different set of four players catching and do it all over again.
Give everyone a set number of tries to catch eggs and anything they caught, they win the prizes that are in the eggs. Or you could really just do it one time through for each person – totally up to you!
Egg Towel Toss Two
Clever name, I know.
This game is setup and played the exact same way as the first towel egg toss game with one main difference – players can collect all of the Easter eggs off of the ground, not just catch them out of the air.
That means during your setup, you’ll only need to fill a handful of eggs with prizes and should set those aside from the other eggs. And when you’re adding the eggs to the towel – you need to add one egg with a prize in it and the rest should be unfilled eggs. Keep all the other prize filled eggs set aside for the following rounds.
Start by again having two adults toss all of the eggs from the towel to the players. If they catch them in the air, great. If not, they can scramble to grab as many eggs off the ground as possible, kind of like candy falling from a pinata.
Once all of the eggs are collected, open the eggs. Whoever collected the egg that has a prize in it win that’s prize and then they’re out for the next round (once you win a prize, your turn is over).
Collect all of the eggs again. Place them all into the towel along with another egg filled with a prize (you’re just adding one each round) and play again with anyone who didn’t win the first round.
Keep going, playing with one prize per round, until everyone has won a prize!
Egg-stra Bouncy Egg Toss
So this isn’t technically a toss but more of an egg bounce, but it’s my favorite out of this entire post and people are catching eggs so egg toss game it is!
Imagine this game like the ticket blaster booth at Chuck E Cheese (that kids get to do at a Chuck E Cheese birthday party) where the eggs are being bounced continuously and players are trying to grab the eggs continuously, instead of just one time.
Start with the same exact setup – a bunch of eggs with prizes in them.
But this time instead of putting eggs into a towel for the adults to hold, have four adults hold the four corners of a flat sheet and place all of the eggs on the center of the sheet.
Then have one player stand on each side of the sheet so you should have adults in the corner and players on the sides.
When you say go, the adults should move the sheet up and down (like a kid’s jumbo parachute) to make the eggs bounce up and down. While the eggs are bouncing, players have to try and grab the eggs in mid-air (not directly from the sheet – it only counts if they grab them in the air).
If they can grab the egg, they can put it by their feet and keep playing until the round is over.
Once all of the eggs are either caught or bounced off the sheet (this will likely be the majority of the eggs), the round is over and everyone can open the eggs they collected during the game. Anyone who caught an egg wins whatever prize is inside.
Play another round, switching out the players (if you have people who haven’t played), and using any eggs that bounced off the sheet and weren’t caught up players.
You can keep playing rounds until all of the prizes are eventually won or just give everyone a certain number of chances to play (or just one is good too). Hand out prizes once the game is over!
Egg Toss 500
Okay so this one is very easy. Choose one person to start as a tosser and everyone else will be a catcher. Give all the catchers an Easter basket and have them stand on one side of the room or yard.
Have the tosser stand across the room and face away from the catchers. When they’re ready, they toss one plastic egg (filled with a prize) over their head toward the catchers.
The players have to try and catch the eggs and anything they catch they win the prize inside! You could also fill the eggs with amounts (like 100, 200, 300) if you want to play a traditional game of 500 (one of the best outdoor games) but I like doing this with prizes instead!
Classic Egg Toss Game
Here’s how the basic game works.
Everyone picks a partner and partners line up across from one another so all of the partner A’s will be in one line and all of the partner B’s will be in another line, facing the line of Partner A’s.
Partner A on each team is given an egg. When the person in charge says toss, the partner tosses the egg to their teammate. If they drop the egg, they’re out. If they catch the egg, their teammate takes a step back (everyone stays in line together) and continues onto the next round.
Keep going until there’s only one pair left that hasn’t dropped the egg and they win. That’s it.
It’s super simple and it is fun – there’s a reason it’s a classic game. You can also do this with water balloons for a fun water game during the summer!
I know in the classic version of the egg toss, you can use a raw egg (or hard boiled ones if you don’t want quite the same mess), but they also have these fun eggs on Amazon that are designed just for egg tosses with a squishy gel yolk you can put inside the eggs that are made just for egg tossing!
Egg Toss FAQs
What can you use instead of an egg toss?
If you don’t want to use an actual egg, you can use a plastic egg, a ball, or really any catchable objects you want. Just make sure they’re safe to toss and catch!
What is an egg toss?
An egg toss is an activity that is typically done around Easter time where partners attempt to toss eggs to one another. If the egg is caught, the team continues on in the game and if the egg is dropped, the team is out. Teams continue tossing and playing until only one team remains.
More Easter Games
If you like these Easter toss game ideas, make sure to check out these other fun Easter games!
- Easter games for kids – over ten different games to play with Easter eggs, great for the entire family!
- Easter bingo – free printable Easter bingo cards – get the classic version or the Easter candy bingo version!
- Easter trivia – a fun Easter trivia game and question cards to use for any Easter celebration!
- Easter would you rather – silly Easter themed questions to get your brain moving!
- Easter scavenger hunt – the most fun way to have kids find their Easter basket on Easter Sunday!
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